We research and safeguard the beneficial ecology of air.
In the past, a primary aim of bioaerosol research has been to safeguard human health by studying and preventing exposure to harmful airborne pathogens and allergens. But in recent times, a profound shift in perspective has taken place. We now recognise that exposure to a diverse aerobiome, the ‘microbiome of the air’, is important for promoting health. Beyond that, tiny airborne particles, invisible to the naked eye, play crucial roles in the intricate workings of ecosystems. They contribute to processes like pollination and the health of plants and animals.
To advance planetary health, it is imperative that we understand and protect these beneficial components of the air.
The Probiotic Cities Project
Find out about the Probiotic Cities Project - the science of creating healthy cities for humans and nature.
About the AIR Hub
Want to know more about the AIR Hub? We officially launched the initiative in 2023 - keep checking the News section for updates.